10/3 & 10/4

in Boston MA


Welcome to OBI Foundation

“Bioesthetics® is the study or theory of the beauty of living things in their natural forms and function”
Robert L. Lee, MS, DDS 

Observational research had revealed to Robert L. Lee that individuals with a healthy, highly functional and unworn chewing system do exist, and that this nearly perfect functional state goes hand in hand with natural beauty. Based on his findings, he developed a treatment concept that aims at establishing a perfect harmony between all parts of the chewing system, known as optimal biologic form.

His findings form the foundation for the curriculum of the OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry that offers comprehensive dental training and education for general dentists, specialists and dental technicians who want to practice Bioesthetic Dentistry.

OBI FOUNDATION for Bioesthetic Dentistry® is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.   ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual activities or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.  OBI Foundation designates activites individually for specific continuing education hours which are noted with the description of each course.

Why Choose OBI ?

Are you restless for a purpose ; seeking the truth; curious; commited to discovering both the principle and process to Private Care dentistry ; passionate about relationships and clinical competence ?

OBI Foundation and Bioesthetics® are for you.   Three advancing Core Curriulum courses guiding you in Bioesthetic Diagnosis, Bioesthetic Treatment and Advanced Bioesthetic Rejuventation incorporate both the principles and process for you, your team and patients for minimally invasive complete dental care.   The OBI Lab Curriculum incorporates Function and Morphology Part 1 & 2 for the designation BDT.

Comments from Level II: Bioesthetic Diagnosis graduates

"This was a greatly rewarding and intense educational weekend that gave me a much greater insight
on diagnosing occlusal problems and learning how to predictably manage them. I feel a lot more
comfortable and much more equipped going back to the office ready to help my patients achieve
optimum health." 
Mary Jean, O, DDS

"Outstanding hands-on training for any dentist who wants to help patients get healthy and stay healthy
by preserving their teeth and their smiles."  
Howard D, DDS

"In order to achieve a level of knowledge and skill in treatments, one needs to work hard.  More
importantly, getting the education to move along this journey is paramount.  OBI is truly a place that I
know I will learn correctly." 
Matthew G, DDS

"I am so thankful I had the oppportunity to attend Level II and seeing the impact of the B-MAGO on facial
structures almost immediately was amazing.  Thanks to our great instructors who made it possible." 

Lyly F, DDS

Comments from Level IV: Advanced Bioesthetic Rejuvenation graduate

"Can’t wait to resume our journey together. After just a few years with OBI, Bioesthetic dentistry has become
a significant part of my life and my practice. As we look back on our lives, many of our regrets are not so much
regarding things we have done, but are actually regrets regarding things we have not done. One of my few
regrets is that I delayed mastering Bioesthetics as long as I did. My advice to anyone who is serious  about helping
their patients get healthy and stay healthy: make the commitment to learn and apply the knowledge provided
by this outstanding organization. It has opened my eyes in many ways to help engage and uplift my team,
my patients and everyone I care about." 
Dr Howard D.


Greetings from OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry, a not for profit foundation dedicated to promoting the health benefits of Bioesthetics® worldwide through education, research and service to the dental profession and to the public.

These are both interesting and exciting times for all of dentistry.  For dentists who are currently engaged in the practice of dentistry, there are increasing pressures brought upon our profession by ever more powerful corporate influences and controls and the resultant commoditization of dental care.  Our profession is inundated with marketing that sends the message that we must constantly be looking for new ways to do more in less time in order to become profitable.  Many new technological developments are adding to the mix with spiraling costs of acquisition and implementation.  

The media through advertising and flashy stories continues to influence the public to demand more quick and easy treatments such as cosmetic make-overs with a lower investment of time, and understanding.

For those of us who have chosen to take the less travelled path of private care dentistry that is focused on individualized service, and based on authentic relationships with our clients, there is an acquired immunity to these energy sapping pressures.  

My personal experience in taking this road less travelled for the last 30 plus years, is that one’s success is dependent on a practice that is not only groomed to focus on effective and authentic communication leading to meaningful relationships, but also on one’s ability to deliver predictable, trouble free outcomes with confidence.  Without these two critical factors in place, success will be elusive.

The good news about all of this is that learning these qualities is achievable.  Mastering the many facets of managing a private care practice that is free from outside corporate influences takes effort and commitment.  Institutes such as the Schuster Center have long been helping dentists and their teams master the skills and controls required to succeed in developing such a dental practice.  Dr. Mike Edwards, who sits on the board of directors of OBI Foundation, has written a book on the steps to achieving a successful private care practice, and he has developed a series of hands-on workshops for small groups who are interested in learning how he implemented them into his own practice.  Stay tuned for more information on this exciting new program.

Developing the knowledge and skills to properly diagnose and treat complex cases of degenerating chewing systems can also be extremely daunting to the uninitiated.  This is where OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry is the go to resource in dentistry.  OBI is unparalleled in the education we provide to dentists and laboratory technicians.  Our mini-residence style of education in the higher levels of our program is unique in all of dental CE.  Our student to teaching ratio of 4:1 is unmatched, and our one to one coaching during the educational process is rare and invaluable.

There are people outside the world of Bioesthetics® who assume that OBI is all about teaching dentists and lab technicians how to restore dentitions with a full mouth of crowns.  The fact is nothing could be further from the truth.  Certainly, we want our graduates to have the tools and confidence required to provide this type of treatment when no other options exist.  Our main focus however, is educating dentists and lab techs to help them understand how to recognize the early signs of degeneration in the chewing system, and how to successfully treat the underlying cause with minimally invasive techniques that will provide what Dr. Lee described as “lasting natural beauty”.

Today, an inevitable change in our profession is the incorporation of various digital technologies into our work.  OBI recognizes the many advantages of the appropriate use of technologies such as 3D radiography, digital jaw tracking, optical scanning and digital production of restorations.  Although the tried and true analogue methods are still valid and must not be forgotten, we recognize the need to incorporate new digital work-flow into our curriculum as many of our students are already familiar with it and are using it successfully in their own practices.  We are in the process of updating all levels of our core curriculum to include teaching the successful use of such technologies into Bioesthetic practice.

For the lab technician who is keen on learning the skills and methods necessary to provide Bioesthetic restorations to their clientele, OBI has launched a new continuum called “Morphology and Function” which is tailored to provide a deep understanding of natural morphology and optimal function of the chewing system.  It is open to both dentists and technicians.

For those of you who are already members of the Academy of Bioesthetic Dentistry, I invite you to visit our newly redesigned and refreshed ABD website.  There you can find a wealth of resources for helping implement Bioesthetics® into you practices.  Webinars, educational videos, and recorded presentations from past Annual Sessions are continually being added.  If you are not currently an ABD member, I encourage you to take advantage of this resource and the other advantages included in membership, such as reduced auditing fees for attending classes and reduced registration fees for attendance at the Annual Session.  You must be either enrolled in level III or IV, or a graduate of our program to qualify for membership.  The OBI office will provide you with a user name and password to give you access to this invaluable resource.

2024 Conference will be in Denver, CO October 4 & 5, 2024.   SAVE THE DATE and watch for further speaker/presenter details, early registration savings together with hotel and entertainment details.  Dr. Brian Mills will chair the 2024 Conference continuing to provide stimulating, thought provoking new knowledge to the Bioesthetics® global community.  I look forward to seeing you there!


Dr. David MacLean

President, OBI Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry


October 4 & 5, 2024  DENVER , CO






  • “I had been out of dental school for only four years and was losing interest in the "single tooth" type of dentistry. I wanted more from dentistry and was searching for a program that could give me the answers I was looking for. I attended an OBI annual conference to find out more and was hooked fro...
    Amy Kinney
  • “I am a restorative dentist and owner of a small private practice in Seattle. I have been able to sustain a viable non-insurance dependent, high touch service, patient centered practice thanks to my involvement with the Schuster Center, Mastery Company and OBI. My OBI journey started in 2009. At th...
    Dr. Sue Vetter
  • “The handful of dentists that have been given this gift of knowledge, conceived by Dr. Lee and advanced by Dr. Wold and his support staff, are indeed a privileged few. The knowledge is powerful in it s simplicity and truthfulness and enables dentists to restore debilitated mouths to a state of natur...
    Vincent T. Saracco, DDS Troy, New York
  • Katherine Slater-Greve
  • “I have always loved dentistry and the wonderful services and care we provide for our patients. My excitement for dentistry has increased tremendously since my involvement with OBI. Bioesthetic dentistry is the ultimate in patient care because it addresses the stomatognathic system as a whole. One p...
    Hal Stewart Flower Mound, Texas
  • “OBI has completely changed the way I look at a mouth and the way I will practice for the rest of my career. Thank you all very much. ”
    Mark Warner, DDS Fairfield, California
  • “Dr Mike Edwards class "Through the Red Sea" uniquely approaches dentistry.  His methods have changed the way I address my patients, beyond fundamentals, beyond mechanics.  Watching the patients' eyes light up when they truly understand the pathway to optimum health is so rewarding. ”
    Sabine Purps DDS
  • “You do not know what you do not see.  This educational experience will allow you to diagnose and treat patients to optimum health. ”
    Karen Schmitt, DMD
  • “The training I have received has brought every aspect of my day to day practice of dentistry into a logical cohesive focus. For the first time, my dental school education, which emphasized how to repair tooth pathology one tooth at a time, has been extended to understanding, diagnosing, repairing a...
    Stephen Phillips DMD Medford, Oregon
  • “As OBI continues and the Alumni assume responsibility, we can be confident that the concept of Bioesthetic Dentistry will create a paradigm shift in dentistry. Bob Lee would be proud of this and you must know he is so grateful to you all, just as I am. ”
    Arlene Lee, Director, Lee Institute, Grand Terrace, California
  • “OBI has changed my life, my attitude, my understanding of what I’m doing in the mouth. Thank God for the genius of Dr. Lee and your commitment to teaching it. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to learn the philosophy an implement it in my practice. ”
    Michael S. Patner, DDS, PT San Mateo, California
  • “The process of learning Bioesthetics® is seeing things that you never saw before.  Going from unconsciously incompetent to consciously incompetent to consciously competent.  Having to do and present a case makes all the difference in the world. Looking forward to more insight in our future with Bio...
    David Ross DMD, Florida
  • “Every once in awhile you run into one of those things that just really makes sense – it fits with what you are seeing. OBI is one of those things! The principles of OBI opened my eyes to the way God designed our chewing system. OBI gave me the tools and confidence to be able to diagnose early probl...
    Gary Sanchez, DDS
  • “Function and Morphology Part 1 :  This course was very important in the development of my dental skills.  In my opinion it's not only for dental technicians but also for dentists.  To create rights cusps and fossae with no interference while chewing in the mounth and to control dental technician wo...
    Pawel Niewada, DDS
  • “I was introduced to OBI and Bioesthetic dentistry by two doctors in Bozeman, MT. I was Dr. Todd’s Level III patient and I learned more about joints, muscles, occlusion, causes of tooth wear, and biology as a patient than I have ever known or understood or just dismissed as "that’s the way it is". A...
    Charles H. Hayes, II, DDS
  • “Function and Morphology Part 1 and 2 graduate :   This is a PhD equivalent in Lab Technology.  The course should be mandatory for any technician who wants to be successful in bioesthetics® work.  The teacher is knowledgeable in a vast amount of subjects and the students will not only learn about mo...
    Brian Villarete, BDT
  • “My staff and I take extreme pride in being a part of the OBI family. I’ve practiced 28 years and have just now found the people who make dentistry challenging and exciting again. I see this training as being the culmination of my dental education. ”
    Daryl Ruby, DDS Fresno, California
  • “What does OBI mean to me. On so many different levels OBI means a great deal. From a technical perspective I have never found anything that prepared me to diagnose and treat failing chewing systems with ANY degree of complexity than Bioesthetics™. The three principles of Bioesthetics™ are my dental...
    Dr. Bill Gerace